Spatial-temporal Synergic Prior Driven Unfolding Network for Snapshot Compressive Imaging

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
Zhuoyuan Wu (武卓远)
Master 2019-2022, To work at Mei Tuan

My research interests include Image Restoration & Enhancement, Video Processing and Compressive Sensing

Zhenyu Zhang (张振宇)
Master 2019-2024, To Ph.D study at Arizona State University

My research interests include Image Restoration & Enhancement and Video Processing

Jiechong Song (宋皆充)
Ph.D 2019-2024, To work at China Mobile

My research interests include compressive sensing and image restoration.

Jian Zhang (张健)
Jian Zhang (张健)
Assistant Professor, Ph. D. Supervisor

My research interests include Intelligent Multimedia Processing, Deep Learning & Optimization and Computer Vision

